Florida 10-Day Rule After DUI
What Is The 10-Day Rule?
A driver’s license will automatically be suspended if the driver suspected of DUI refuses to take the breath or blood test. After being arrested for drunk driving, you only have 10 days to request a DMV hearing to challenge the suspension of your driver’s license. This is an action completely separate from the criminal charge, which is addressed in criminal court.
At Beckham Solis, Attorneys at Law, Attorneys at Law, we are a prominent law firm that represents the criminally accused in DUI charges throughout the state of Florida. Our team of experienced DUI attorneys understands your case deserves special attention.
Understanding the intricacies of DUI law is crucial for anyone facing such allegations. The consequences of not acting within the 10-day window can be severe, affecting one's driving privileges and overall legal standing. Seeking immediate legal counsel can provide you with a strategic advantage, ensuring that all legal avenues are explored. A committed legal team can offer tailored advice and representation, focusing on achieving the best possible outcome by carefully analyzing the specifics of your situation.
Our firm has a team of experienced attorneys who are well-versed in DUI defense, and all matters related to license suspension and revocation. Call us at (786) 244-8010 or Contact us online today.
Understanding Drug Trafficking Laws in Miami
In Miami, drug trafficking laws are stringent, reflecting the city's ongoing battle against illegal drug distribution. Florida law defines drug trafficking as knowingly selling, purchasing, manufacturing, delivering, or bringing into the state illegal controlled substances such as cocaine, heroin, marijuana, or methamphetamines in large quantities. The penalties for drug trafficking are severe, with mandatory minimum sentences ranging from three years to life imprisonment depending on the substance and amount involved. A conviction can also result in hefty fines and a permanent criminal record, affecting future opportunities for employment and housing.
The complexities of Miami's drug laws stem from its status as a major transportation hub for international drug trafficking organizations. Local authorities, often working in conjunction with federal agencies, are known for their rigorous enforcement efforts. This means individuals facing drug trafficking charges need robust legal representation to navigate potential consequences and work towards reduced sentences or alternative resolutions. At Beckham Solis, Attorneys at Law, our team uses its deep understanding of both state and federal laws to build strong defense strategies for those accused of drug trafficking in Miami.

Case: 8019-XEE
At 4:06 am, officers observed the defendant going at an extreme rate of speed of 75 mph in a posted 45 mph zone. The defendant was unable to maintain the single lane for miles, and almost side swiped the officers patrol car. The defendant was very uncooperative and fled from the police, unwilling to stop and comply with their demands. Once the defendant finally pulled over and stepped out of the car, the officers noticed how unsteady the defendant was, and the odor of alcohol that was coming from the defendant. They also noticed the defendant had bloodshot watery eyes, and had to keep holding on to the vehicle in order to maintain the unsteady balance. Once the defendant failed to pass the sobriety test, the defendant was arrested for DUI, and then blew a .254/.243 in the breathalyzer, resulting in an automatic six-month suspension.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 4002-XEX
At around 3 am, an officer observed the defendant having difficulty maintaining the single lane, and thus initiated a traffic stop. Once the officer approached the vehicle, the officer was immediately struck with the strong odor of alcohol before even speaking with the defendant. Upon careful observation of the defendant, the officer noticed the defendant’s flushed face, bloodshot watery eyes, and slurred speech. The officer began to conduct the field sobriety exercises, but the defendant was too impaired to maintain balance and failed the sobriety test. The defendant was arrested for DUI and refused to submit any breath sample, which resulted in a license suspension of at least 12 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: A1EG2OE
At around 7 am, an officer was patrolling around a nightclub when she viewed the defendant stumble out and get into a vehicle. The defendant was behind the wheel in the parking lot when the officer approached the defendant and advised the defendant to get a taxi, while noticing the defendant’s pale face, bloodshot eyes and the overpowering odor of alcohol. The defendant refused to get a taxi and got out of the car. A short while later, the officer observed the defendant get back into the car and begin to drive away. The officer immediately stopped the defendant and noticed the defendant’s words were slurred and mumbled. The officer was unable to do the sobriety tests in the parking lot, but the defendant completed the exercises at the station and was unable to meet the standard. The defendant was arrested for DUI and then blew a .225 in the breathalyzer, and resulted in a license suspension of 6 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 2997-XBQ
At 4:44 am, an officer observed the defendant going at a high rate of speed and crash into a guardrail causing over $5,000 in damage. The officer rushed to provide aid, but upon contact with the defendant, the officer noticed the defendant had watery eyes and also had a strong odor of alcohol coming from the mouth. The defendant was very uncooperative and refused to do any sobriety exercises. During any questioning the defendant responded with attitude and also attempted to bribe the officers. The defendant was arrested and refused to cooperate and submit to a breath test, which resulted in an immediate license suspension of 12 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 3681-XEX
At around 8 am, an officer was dispatched to a disturbance at a hotel. Once the officer arrived at the scene, he heard loud a loud screeching coming from tires creating smoke against the asphalt. The defendant was driving the vehicle making that noise, and the officer saw the defendant speeding down the street and swerved and crashed into a parked car. The total damage to both vehicles was estimated to be over $15,000. After the officer made sure no one was hurt, he noticed that the defendant had a slurred speech and bloodshot eyes. The defendant also confessed to drinking 4 rum and cokes before getting behind the wheel. The officer arrested the defendant for a DUI and the defendant provided a breath sample of .206, and resulted in a license suspension of 6 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 0516-XBQ
At 1:25 am, officers were notified about an aggressive driver who was driving recklessly, and was failing to maintain the single lane. The officers observed the defendant’s car drive into oncoming traffic, and initiated a traffic stop in order to stop the defendant and preserve the safety of other drivers. Once the officers stopped the defendant, they noticed a strong odor of alcohol emitting from the vehicle. The officers then noticed the defendant had bloodshot eyes. When the defendant admitted to having 3 beers, officers asked the defendant to complete the roadside exercises. The defendant was unable to pass the test, so the defendant was arrested and refused to provide a breath sample, which led to an immediate license suspension of 12 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 8190-XEV
At 1:28 am, an officer was patrolling an area when he saw the defendant’s vehicle unable to maintain the single lane, and also noticed that the vehicle did not have any rearview mirrors on the side. The officer began a traffic stop, and upon inspection of the defendant, he noticed how flushed the defendant’s face was and had red bloodshot eyes. The officer also detected the odor of alcohol coming from the defendants mouth, so he asked the defendant to complete the roadside exercises. The defendant was unsteady and failed to pass the test. The defendant refused to submit a breath sample and was arrested for DUI, which led to an immediate license suspension of 12 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 1197-XCF
At 11:07 pm, police officers stopped the defendant because their vehicle resembled one that was involved in an accident. The defendant had crashed into two other vehicles and left the scene. The defendant caused about $6,000 worth of damages. When police stopped the defendant they noticed a strong odor of an unknown alcoholic beverage emitting from the vehicle as well as bloodshot, watery eyes on the defendant. The defendant was then asked to perform the field sobriety tests which they agreed to. Ultimately, the defendant could not keep their balance and was arrested on the spot for DUI. The defendant blew a .284/.261 into the breathalyzer, which led to an immediate license suspension of 6 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 9942-XDY
At 6:36 pm, officers were dispatched to a crash that occurred when the defendant was driving recklessly and crashed into a stop sign that resulted in $500 in property damage. When the officer arrived on the scene, he saw the defendant sitting behind the wheel, with keys in hand. The officer also noticed the defendant’s bloodshot watery eyes, and the odor of alcohol coming from the car. After speaking with the defendant to figure out what happened, the officer could hear the defendant’s slurred speech. Since the officer believed the defendant to be under the influence of alcohol, he instructed the defendant on how to complete and pass the field sobriety exercises. Due to the level of impairment that the defendant suffered from, the defendant was unable to pass the field sobriety exercises. The defendant was arrested for DUI and blew a .144/.142, resulting in a license suspension of at least 6 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: A10IGSP
At 12:18 am, a B.O.L.O. was issued for the defendant’s vehicle due to the reckless driving and swerving into the concrete median. When the defendant crashed into the median, it destroyed the car’s front tires, but the defendant kept driving and refused to stop when officers found the defendant’s vehicle. Once the officers were able to pull the defendant over, they could smell the stench of alcohol, and could see the defendant’s bloodshot watery eyes. The defendant was very uncooperative and kept insulting the officers throughout the entire process. The defendant refused to complete the field sobriety exercises, and also refused to provide a breath sample. Due to the defendant being extremely uncooperative, their license was supposed to be suspended for a minimum of 1 year.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 9945-XDY
At around 8:52 pm, the defendant had his vehicle on the side of the road and fell asleep behind the wheel. The police were dispatched to the defendant’s location, where they approached the vehicle and saw the defendant asleep behind the wheel, and holding a beer bottle in one hand. When the officer’s tapped on the glass, the defendant woke up, and immediately threw the bottle onto the passenger’s side floor. The officers could immediately tell the defendant was impaired due to the alcoholic breath, and bloodshot eyes. When the defendant consented to completing the roadside exercises, officers could sew how confused and unsteady the defendant was. The defendant failed to meet the standard for the exam and was arrested for DUI. The defendant did not wish to provide a breath sample and due to this refusal, his license was suspended for 12 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 2024-XCF
At 12:28 pm, an officer observed the defendant speeding at the high rate of 50 mph in a 30 mph zone, and initiated a traffic stop. When the officer approached the driver’s side window, he noticed the defendant how red the defendant’s face and eyes were. The officer could also clearly see multiple open wine bottles, and the smell of alcohol overwhelmed the vehicle. When the officer asked the defendant to step out of the car, he observed the defendant’s movements as slow and sluggish. After the defendant was unable to past the standard field sobriety exercises, the defendant was arrested for DUI. During the 20-minute observation period, the defendant provided the breath samples of .269/.268, which is more than 3x the legal limit, and it resulted in an automatic license suspension of 6 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 8664-XEQ
At around 2 am, the defendant was observed by officers making an illegal left turn, and then failed to maintain the single lane multiple times. The officer began a traffic stop, but then noticed the defendant had a slurred speech, and bloodshot eyes. The defendant consented to complete the field sobriety exercises, but failed to meet the standard. The defendant was arrested for DUI and blew a .261 in the breathalyzer. Since this was the defendant’s second DUI, the defendant’s license was to be suspended for a minimum of 12 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 1540-XCF
At 1:10 am, an officer observed the defendant drive much slower than the posted speed limit. The defendant was going 20 mph in a 40 mph zone, and would change lanes without signaling, while also failing to maintain a straight single lane. The officer initiated a traffic stop and began to speak with the defendant about what just occurred. During the defendant’s questioning, the officer noticed how bloodshot and watery the defendant’s eyes, and also noticed that the defendant’s speech was slurred. The defendant also admitted to drinking 5 old fashioned’ s before getting behind the wheel. After failing to pass the standard field sobriety test, the defendant was arrested and provided the breath samples of .167/.170. This breath reading automatically suspended the defendant’s license for at least 6 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: A0Z0YPP
At 8:45 pm, the defendant was observed driving 15 miles under the posted speed limit of 45 mph, and also had difficulty maintaining the single lane. The officer initiated a traffic stop and approached the defendant’s driver’s side window and saw the defendant shad bloodshot watery eyes. Also, the odor of alcohol coming from the defendant’s breath was very strong, which explained why the defendant also had a mumbled and slurred speech. The defendant admitted to having 2 beers with dinner, and failed to pass the sobriety exercises. The defendant was arrested and provided the breath samples of .188/.186, which is more than double the legal limit. This DUI results in an automatic license suspension of at least 6 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 1204-XCF
At 2:59 pm, officers were dispatched to the location of the defendant’s vehicle because the defendant was passed out behind the wheel with the car on. When officers approached the driver’s side window, they saw the defendant asleep and saw a carton of wine on the defendant’s chest. After several attempts to awake the defendant, the defendant finally awoke and began to put the car in reverse to flee from the officers. The officers were able to stop the defendant and they noticed the defendant’s bloodshot watery eyes, and an odor of alcohol that was very strong and coming from the defendant’s breath. After failing to complete the sobriety exercises, the defendant was arrested for DUI, and also blew a .179/.181 in the breathalyzer. The suspension of the defendant’s license was supposed to be for at least 6 months, starting the date of the arrest.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 1793-XEV
At 2:48 am, an officer observed the defendant swerving between lanes, fail to maintain the single lane, and use absolutely no turn signals. The officer began a traffic stop, and could immediately smell the odor of alcohol when the defendant spoke. The defendant had told the officer that prior to driving had consumed 3 shots of tequila. The officer also saw how bloodshot and watery the defendant’s eyes were, and thus instructed the defendant on how to complete the roadside exercises. The defendant was unsteady and kept swaying throughout the exercises, and was unable to pass. The defendant was arrested, provided a .211 breath sample, and also, the defendant’s license was meant to be suspended for at least 6 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 8023-XEQ
At 9:20 am, officers were dispatched to a crash accident that occurred when the defendant drove carelessly and struck the victim head on by running a steady red light. The victim was not injured, however, the defendant caused over $5,000 worth in damage to the victims vehicle. Once officer’s arrived on the scene, they saw the defendant behind the wheel with the car on and incomplete control. During questioning, officers saw how bloodshot the defendants’ eyes were and believe the defendant to be impaired. The defendant spontaneously admitted to having a glass of scotch earlier that morning, and was asked to completer the roadside exercises. The defendant was unable to complete the standard field sobriety exercises to the standard and was arrested. The defendant blew a .105 in the breathalyzer, which resulted in an immediate license suspension for 6 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 9773-XDY
At 10:36 pm, an officer noticed the defendant driving behind him with high beams on. The defendant also almost collided with the officer’s patrol car, and the officer had to make evasive maneuvers. Once the officer got control of his vehicle, he initiated a traffic stop, and pulled the defendant over. The officer saw the defendant had an odor of alcohol coming from the mouth, bloodshot eyes, a flushed face, and a slurred speech. The defendant refused to comply with the standard field sobriety exercises, and also refused to submit a breath sample. The defendant was arrested and an automatic license suspension was set for 12 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 3679-XEX
At 4:28 am, officers responded to a crash accident where the defendant drove carelessly and rear-ended the victim, and then fled the scene. Due to the hit and run committed by the defendant, officer’s issued a B.O.L.O. so that the defendant could be found. Once officer’s found the defendant, they saw the front-end damage that was consistent with the crash that just occurred. The property damage that resulted from the defendant’s careless driving was over $20,000. When officers spoke with the defendant, they were able to see the defendant’s bloodshot eyes, and slurred speech. They showed the defendant how to complete the roadside exercises, but the defendants was too impaired to pass the test. The defendant was arrested, blew a .163 in the breathalyzer, and was not supposed to drive for the next 6 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 7692-XBQ
At around 9:30 pm, officers were dispatched to an accident that occurred when the defendant exited an off ramp, and then rear-ended another vehicle. Once officers arrived on the scene, the defendant attempted to flee, but by doing so, it resulted in the defendant crashing into the concrete median. The result of all this property damage was almost $5,000. The officers detained the defendant, and were able to notice the defendant had watery eyes, and an odor of alcohol coming from the mouth. The defendant refused to complete the roadside exercises or provide a breath sample. The defendant was arrested for DUI, and his license was to be suspended for at least 1 year.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: A10I92P
At 8 pm, officers were dispatched to the location of the defendant who was drinking inside of the car. Once officers arrived, they saw that the defendant’s airbag was deployed, there were many open bottles and 1 closed beer bottle. The officers also noticed the defendant had a slurred speech, and the odor of alcohol coming from the vehicle and defendant was overwhelming. When the officers inspected the car, they saw that there was extensive front end damage, due to an accident the defendant had and failed to report. The damage the caused resulted in about $3,500. The defendant refused to take the field sobriety exercises and refused to provide a breath sample. The defendant’s license was to be suspended for a minimum of 12 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 9752-XEX
At around 8 pm, officers were dispatched to a crash that occurred inside of a parking garage due to the defendant going at a high rate of speed and failing to stop until finally crashing head on into the victim. The damage resulted in over $15,000 with minor injuries to the victim. Once officers arrived on the scene, they saw the defendant had bloodshot watery eyes, and the odor of alcohol was very strong. Since the defendant could not pass the sobriety exercises, the defendant was arrested. After blowing .201 in the breathalyzer, the defendant’s license was suspended for 6 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: A105ROP
At around 9 pm, the defendant was stopped at a DUI checkpoint where the officers immediately smelled the odor of cannabis coming from the defendant’s vehicle. They also noticed the defendant’s bloodshot watery eyes, and immediately believed the defendant to be under the influence. The defendant handed the officers a small bag of cannabis, and the officers also found an open bottle and a rifle. The defendant refused to complete the roadside exercises, and was unable to provide a breath sample due to throwing up multiple times. The defendant’s license was meant to be suspended for at least 12 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 9800-XDX
At around 3:30 am, an officer observed the defendant make an illegal U-turn, and thus initiated a traffic stop. The officer approached the defendant and noticed an odor of alcohol, bloodshot watery eyes, a slurred speech, and a flushed face which were all signs of intoxication. The defendant refused to cooperate by not doing the S.F.S.T.s or submitting a breath test. Due to this refusal, the defendant’s license was to be suspended for at least 12 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 3639-XEX
At 3:22 am, an officer was dispatched to the location of the defendant’s car. The officers observed the defendant sleeping inside, and the car’s engine was on. They could smell the odor of alcohol, and believe the defendant had been drinking. Upon closer inspection, they saw the defendant had bloodshot watery eyes, and a very slurred speech. The officers also found a half empty bottle of whiskey inside of the defendant’s car. The defendant failed to pass the standard field sobriety exercise and was arrested. The defendant provided the breath sample of .203 and an immediate license suspension of 6 months was initiated.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 0581-XFE
At around 11:05 pm, an officer observed the defendant speeding, going 55 mpg in a 35 mph zone. Once the officer pulled the defendant over, he saw that the defendant suffered from a very thick accent and had slurred speech. The defendants eyes were also bloodshot, and the smell of alcohol consumed the entire vehicle. After the defendant failed to complete the field sobriety exercises, the defendant was arrested for DUI. The defendant did provided a breath sample of .162, which resulted in an automatic license suspension for at least months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 7614-XEQ
At 9:30 am, officers were told of the defendant asleep in inside of a car. The officer tried many times to wake the defendant by banging on the windows and yelling loudly, but the defendant continued sleeping. After several attempts, the defendant awoke and immediately attempted to flee by pressing the gas pedal, but the car was in park. Officers opened the door and removed the keys from the ignition in order to prevent the defendant from doing it again. Once the defendant calmed down, officers were able to see the defendant’s bloodshot eyes and could hear the slurred speech of the defendants. The officers believed the defendant to be under the influence of alcohol and instructed the defendant on how to complete and pass the sobriety exercises. The defendant failed, and was arrested. The defendant did provide a breath sample of .170, and this suspended the defendant’s license for a minimum of 6 months.
The suspension was invalidated.
Case: 0438-XEV
At 2:35 am, officers observed the defendant lose control of the vehicle at an intersection, then drive off the road and crash into a traffic sign. The defendant then continued to drive towards a gas station, and crash again into a concrete base. The defendant then tried to leave the scene of the two accidents, but he officers initiated the traffic stop after the defendant cause over $1,000 in property damage. The officers approached the defendant and noticed the defendant’s eyes were bloodshot and watery. They also noticed the defendant had a strong odor of alcohol coming from the facial area, as well as, an open container of alcohol inside the vehicle. All these indications led the officers to believe the defendant was impaired and then proceeded to do the roadside exercises. The defendant was unable to meet the standard and was arrested for DUI. The defendant refused to submit to a breath sample, and therefore the defendant’s license was to be suspended for a minimum of 12 months.
Case: 7290-XEV
At 7:26 am, officers had responded to a double fatality traffic accident and had blocked the intersection off. The defendant later ran through the blocked off crime scene, almost hitting 6 of the officers and dragging evidence behind the vehicle. The defendant was going 100 mph in a posted 40 mph zone before exiting the crime scene, and then ran over and killed a dog trying to get away. After the officers conducted the traffic stop, they noticed the defendant had bloodshot watery eyes, a flushed face, and an odor of alcohol coming from the defendant’s breath since the defendant admitted to having been drinking black label. The defendant was so impaired, the officers were not able to conduct the standard field sobriety test. The defendant was arrested for DUI and blew a .220/.209 in the breathalyzer, which is almost 3x the legal limit. The defendant’s license was to be suspended for a minimum of 6 months.
Case: A1EG2QE
At 9:40 pm, an officer observed the defendant driving at a high rate of speed, which resulted in pedestrian endangerment, and had the defendant’s vehicle was missing the left front rim. After the officer pursued the defendant, the officer saw the defendant’s vehicle try to flee, but was unsuccessful. Once the officer approached the defendant, he noticed the defendant had bloodshot eyes and a strong odor of alcohol coming from the vehicle. The defendant was very uncooperative, and had to be wrestled to the ground in order to get control of the defendant. Once in custody, the defendant was extremely nauseous and sleepy. During the vehicle search, the officer found a 6 pack of Smirnoff with an empty bottle on the passenger’s side. The defendant was arrested for DUI, and blew a .177/.187 in the breathalyzer. The defendant’s license was to be suspended immediately for a period of 6 months.
Case: 7914-XEM
At 12:30 am, an officer observed the defendant run a steady red light at a high rate of speed, and almost crash into a truck. A traffic stop was initiated and the officer was able to smell the odor of alcohol before approaching the defendant’s vehicle. The officer also noticed the defendant had red watery eyes, and a slurred speech. During the vehicle search, the officer discovered multiple bottles of Bud light and Corona in the backseat of the car. After the defendant was instructed how to complete the sobriety exercises, the defendant then was unable to pass the test and was arrested for DUI. The defendant had 3 previous DUI arrests and was therefore facing a minimum of 10 years with a suspended license.
Case: 6862-XEM
At 3:25 am, an officer observed the defendant pass the police car at a high speed of 55 mph, in a 35 mph zone. The officer conducted a traffic stop, where the officer noticed the defendant’s flushed face, and bloodshot, watery eyes. The officer also detected a smell of alcohol coming from the defendant. The officer then began to instruct and have the defendant conduct the field sobriety test, to which the defendant failed from loss of balance due to the intoxication. The defendant was arrested for DUI, and blew a .169/.173 level on the breathalyzer, resulting in an automatic suspension of the defendant’s license for the next 6 months.
Case: 8586-XEM
At 3: 42 am, the defendant was observed blocking an intersection by an officer, and then pulled over. The officer noticed the defendant’s bloodshot, watery eyes, and the strong odor of alcohol emitting from the defendant’s mouth. The defendant admitted to having 4 beers, and seemed to be in a euphoric state of mind. After the defendant’s inability to meet the standards of the field sobriety test, the defendant was placed under arrest for DUI. Upon search of the vehicle, the officer found an open bottle of Captain Morgan, and a weapon in the glove box, as well as some amounts of cocaine. The defendant was arrested for DUI, and after refusing to give a breath sample, the defendant’s license was suspended for the minimum period of 12 months.
Case: 4118-XEX
At 10:25 pm, an officer observed the defendant texting while driving, and allowing the passenger of the car to stand up and dance while the car was in motion. The officer began the traffic stop, and noticed the defendant’s flushed face, and the odor of alcohol coming from the car. While conducting the field sobriety test, the defendant was unable to maintain balance, and therefore did not pass. The defendant was arrested for DUI, as well as a suspension of the license for a minimum of the next 12 months.
Case: 7822-XEM
At 10.09 pm, an officer observed the defendant swerving in and out of lanes, to which point the defendant almost crashed. The officer conducted a traffic stop, and could smell the odor of alcohol while walking up to the vehicle. The defendant had a confused speech, and seemed disoriented. During the field sobriety test, the defendant was unable to maintain a steady balance, and therefore failed to meet the standard requirements. There was also a ½ empty bottle of rum recovered in the defendant’s vehicle. The defendant was arrested for DUI, with a blood alcohol level of .148/.128. The minimum suspension of the defendant’s license was 6 months.
Case: 4214-XEX
At 4 am, an officer observed the defendant make an illegal U-turn, and thus made a traffic stop. Once the officer approached the defendant’s vehicle, the officer was able to see the defendant’s bloodshot eyes and flushed face. The officer was also able to pick up the odor of alcohol when the defendant spoke in a slurred speech. The defendant did not have any driver’s license to give the officer, and thus the officer began to conduct the field sobriety test, to which the defendant was unable to meet the standards. The defendant was arrested for DUI, and the defendant’s license was to be suspended for the next 6 to 12 months.
Case: 8468-XEM
At 4:15 am, an officer observed the defendant’s car going at a high speed, and its inability to maintain a single lane. Once the officer approached the defendant on the driver’s side, the officer noticed the defendant’s flushed face, and bloodshot, watery eyes. The defendant also smelled of alcohol, and had a slurred and mumbled speech. After failing the field sobriety tests 5 aspects, the defendant was placed under arrest for DUI. Since the defendant refused to submit a breath sample, the defendant’s license was to be suspended for the following 12 months.
Case: 0810-XEB
At 3:11 am, the defendant was observed swerving and unable to maintain the single lane. The officer initiated a traffic stop and noticed the defendant had bloodshot watery eyes, and an odor of alcohol emitting from the facial area. During the standard sobriety test, the defendant had a difficult maintaining balance and almost stumbled over multiple times. The defendant failed to meet the standard and was arrested for DUI. The defendant also provided breath sample of .251/.246, which both are 3x over the legal limit, and the defendant’s license was to be suspended for at least 6 months.
Case: 3670-XFG
At 6:38 am, an officer observed the defendant run a stop sign and a steady red light, so the officer initiated a traffic stop. Upon inspection of the defendant, the officer was able to see the defendant displayed to common signs of impairment such as: bloodshot watery eyes, flushed face, slurred speech, and an odor of alcohol coming from the mouth. The defendant was instructed how to complete the field sobriety exercises, but was still unable to pass but to the level of impairment. The defendant was arrested for DUI and refused to provide a breath sample, which resulted in the immediate suspension of the defendant’s driver’s license.
Case: A0Z090P
At 12:56 am, the defendant was seen driving recklessly with a speed of 70 mph in a posted 35 mph zone. The officer initiated a traffic stop and noticed the defendant had a flushed face, bloodshot eyes and a slurred speech. The defendant was extremely uncooperative, and refused to do the standard field sobriety exercises and submit a breath sample. The defendant was arrested for DUI and the defendant’s license was to be suspended for at least 12 months.
Case: 2454-XBQ
At 9:30 pm, officers were dispatched to the location in which the defendant was driving carelessly and recklessly, which resulted in a crash with another vehicle causing almost $3,000 in damage. Once the officer approached the driver’s side of the vehicle, he noticed the defendant had a very strong odor of alcohol coming from the mouth, and bloodshot watery eyes. The defendant admitted to having been drinking beers and tequila while speaking in a slurred speech that was very mumbled. After failing to pass the field sobriety exercises, the defendant was arrested for DUI. The defendant was able to provide the officer with the breath samples of .237/.238, which would have resulted in the suspension of the defendant’s license for the next 6 months.
Case: 9966-XFG
At 3:40 am, officers were dispatched to a hit and run accident in which the defendant crashed into another vehicle, causing over $500 in damage, and then flee the scene. Officers found the defendant a few miles away and noticed the defendant had bloodshot watery eyes and a slurred speech. The defendant admitted to drinking vodka before driving, which is why the officer smelled the strong odor of alcohol coming from the defendant. The defendant failed to pass the field sobriety test and was arrested. The defendant provided the breath samples of .139/.142 which would have resulted in the defendant’s license suspension for the next 6 months.
Case: 3533-XEX
At 1:36 am, officers were dispatched to the crash scene in which the defendant was responsible for causing over $5,000 by hitting another vehicle. Upon interviewing the defendant, the officers noticed the defendant’s watery eyes and flushed face. The defendant was very uncooperative and refused to do the field sobriety tests and give a breath sample. The defendant was arrested for DUI and the defendant’s license was to be suspended for at least 12 months.
Case: 0400-XEE
At 11:26 pm, the defendant was observed unable to maintain the single lane and a traffic stop was initiated. As the officer approached the driver’s side of the vehicle, he smelled the strong odor of alcohol coming from the defendant’s car. The officer also noticed the bloodshot watery eyes of the defendant and believed the defendant to be intoxicated. The defendant admitted to the officer to having beers in a slow and slurred speech. After the defendant failed to pass the field sobriety exercises, the defendant was arrested for DUI. During the 20 minute observation period, the defendant provided the breath samples of .174/.172, and the suspension of the defendant’s license for a minimum of 6 months.
Case: 7214-XBO
At 7:45 pm, officers were dispatched to the crash scene in which the defendant caused over $10,000 in property damage, when the defendant collided with another vehicle. The officer saw that the defendant had bloodshot eyes and a strong odor of alcohol coming from the facial area, so the officer instructed the defendant on the field sobriety exercises. The defendant failed to meet the standard and was arrested for DUI. The defendant then provided a breath sample of .162 for the officer, which is double the legal limit. The defendant’s license was to be suspended for a minimum of 6 months due to the DUI.
Case: 6897-XDX
At 4:05 am, an officer viewed the defendant had difficulty maintaining the single lane, and was going at a high speed of 80 mph in a posted 45 mph zone. Once the officer initiated the traffic stop, the officer noticed the defendant had red watery eyes, a flushed face and slurred speech. The officer then conducted the field sobriety exercises, in which the defendant failed. The defendant provided the breath sample of .178/.166 and was arrested for DUI. The defendant’s license was to be suspended for at least 6 months.
Case: 7389-XEV
At 12:44 am, an officer observed the defendant’s vehicle had a broken tail light and initiated a traffic stop. Upon inspection of the defendant, the officer saw the defendant had bloodshot watery eyes, a flushed face, and a strong odor of alcohol coming from the mouth. The defendant later provided a breath sample of .76, was arrested for DUI, and the defendant’s license was immediately suspended for the next 6 months.
Case: 6964-XEX
At 9:47 pm, an officer observed the defendant weaving in between lanes and driving recklessly. A traffic stop was initiated, and the officer noticed that the strong odor of alcohol was coming from the car. The officer asked the defendant questions and was able to see that the defendant had bloodshot eyes and a slurred speech. After suspecting the defendant was intoxicated, the defendant was asked to complete the field sobriety exercises; to which the defendant did not pass. The defendant then refused to give a breath sample, was arrested for DUI, and the defendant’s license was to be suspended for a minimum of 12 months.
Case: 6735-XEQ
At 3 am, an officer observed the defendant run a steady red light and initiated a traffic stop. The officer then noticed the defendant’s eyes were bloodshot and watery, as well as the defendant’s face was flushed. The defendant refused to comply with the standard field sobriety exercises, and to submit a breath sample. The defendant was then arrested for DUI, and the defendant’s license was to be suspended for at least the next 12 months.
Case: 8462XEQ
At 8:56 pm, officers responded to an accident where the defendant crashed into another moving car. The officers noticed the odor of a strong alcohol emitting from the defendant’s breath, as well as bloodshot eyes. The officers also noticed that the defendant was so intoxicated he was unable to keep his balance and fell multiple times. The defendant admitted to having 4 to 5 beers at a friend’s house, and when asked to complete the field sobriety tests, the defendant refused and was arrested immediately. Later on, the defendant agreed to a breathalyzer test and blew .135. The defendant was then charged with a DUI and his license was suspended immediately.
Case: 6828-XEX
At 5:04 pm, officers responded to an accident where the defendant crashed into property that cost $5,000 in damage. Once on scene, officers noticed the strong odor of alcohol emitting from the defendant’s breath, as wells as bloodshot and watery eyes. The defendant also had slurred speech which led the officers to believe that he was extremely intoxicated. The officers conducted the field sobriety test, where the defendant failed all sections of the test and was arrested for DUI. Once, in custody, the defendant was asked if he would take the breathalyzer test, but the defendant refused, even though he knew it would mean the suspension of his driver’s license for 12 months.
Case: 1949-XBR
At 2:00 am, officers responded to an accident in which the defendant was behind the wheel, and responsible for the crash. Upon talking to the defendant, officers observed the defendants eyes were bloodshot and watery, and the defendant had a strong odor of alcohol on his breath, as well as slurred speech. The defendant was asked to complete the field sobriety tests, which he failed, and had lost his balance multiple times. The defendant then agreed and blew a .167/.174 into the breathalyzer. The defendant was then arrested for his 2 nd DUI and his license was suspended.
Case: 0242-WNC
At 3:56 am, an officer observed the defendant going 73 mph in a 40 mph zone, and executed a traffic stop. Upon talking to the defendant, he observed that the defendant’s eyes were bloodshot and watery, and that the defendant was talking in a slurred and mumbled speech. The defendant’s breath also had a strong odor of alcohol to which the officer intended to begin the field sobriety test. The defendant failed all 5 aspects of the test, while also having to sway from side to side in order to stay upright. The defendant also agreed to a breathalyzer test and blew .143/.144, to which the defendant was arrested immediately, and the defendants license was then to be suspended for the next 6 months.
Case: 4117-XEX
At 3:00 am, the defendant was observed by officers doing 60 mph in a 30 mph residential zone. After multiple attempts to waive and signal the defendant to stop the vehicle, the chase continued until the defendant finally stopped after 2 miles of chasing. Upon seeing the defendant the officer observed that the defendant had bloodshot, watery eyes. Once the defendant began to speak the officer could smell a poignant smell of alcohol coming from his facial area, and had a slurred speech. The officer then began to administer the field sobriety test, to which the defendant failed, and blew a .153/.147 on the breathalyzer. The defendant was then arrested for DUI, and his license was suspended immediately for up to 6 months.
Case: 6753-XEQ
At 1:20 am, officers observed the defendant run a red light at an intersection and doing 55 mph in a 25 mph zone, and thus made a justified traffic stop. The defendant was observed by the officers as having bloodshot and watery eyes, a flushed face and a strong odor of alcohol emitting from the facial area. The defendant’s speech was also slurred and the defendant was very uncooperative. The defendant then stated that he/she was drunk, and refused to take the breathalyzer test after failing the field sobriety tests. The defendant was arrested for DUI and due to the refusal of the breathalyzer, the defendant’s license was to be suspended for a minimum of 12 months.
Case: A0Z08RP
At 11:33 pm, officers witnessed the defendant crash into a Miami Transit bus then flee the scene in the hit and run accident. The crash resulted in $5,000 of property damage. Once the officer located the defendant later on, the officer observed the defendant’s flushed face and bloodshot, watery eyes. The defendant’s speech was also slurred, and the defendant displayed severe mood swings and was extremely uncooperative. The officer then administered the field sobriety test for the defendant, to which the defendant failed, and blew a .151/.147 on the breathalyzer. The defendant was arrested for DUI, and the defendants license was to be suspended for a minimum of 6 months, as well as more due to non-vehicle registration.
Case: 7436-XEV
At 1 am, the defendant failed to yield at a 4 way intersection and was involved in a car crash with an on duty police officer, which caused the police officer’s vehicle to swerve out of control and crash into another car. The victim/police officer then had to be transported to the hospital, while the arriving officer questioned the defendant. Upon questioning, the officer observed the defendant’s demeanor as uncooperative with bloodshot, watery eyes. The officer also smelled a strong odor of alcohol on the defendant’s breath. Once the field sobriety test was administered, the defendant failed to meet the standards for the test, and was arrested for DUI. Due to the defendant’s refusal of the breathalyzer test, the defendants license is to be suspended for a minimum of 12 to 18 months.
Case: 8278-XEQ
At 11:29 pm, an officer observed the defendant driving the wrong way on a one-way street, and began the traffic stop. Upon observance of the defendant, the officer saw that the defendant ha blood shot, watery eyes, and a flushed face. The officer proceeded to administer the field sobriety tests to which the defendant agreed, and was unable to finish due to loss of balance from extreme intoxication. The defendant refused to submit a breath sample, and was then arrested for DUI. Due to the refusal of the breath sample, the defendant’s license was suspended immediately and was to remain suspended for a minimum of 12 to 18 months.
Case: 8298-XEQ
At 8 am, officers were dispatched to the defendant’s location, where they found the defendant sleeping behind the wheel. Once awake, the officer’s saw the defendant’s bloodshot eyes and bright red face. When the defendant began to talk, the officers smelled the odor of alcohol, and the defendant’s speech was mumbled and very slow. The officer’s asked to administer the roadside sobriety and breathalyzer test, to which the defendant refused both. The defendant was arrested and charged with DUI, and the defendant’s license was to be suspended for a period of 12 to 18 months.
Case: 7850-XEM
At 5:45 am, an officer observed the defendant’s vehicle holding up traffic, due to the defendant sleeping behind the wheel with the engine running. Once the officer awoke the defendant, the defendant got out of the car, but was unable to maintain a steady balance and keep stumbling and falling over. The officer noticed the strong odor of alcohol coming from the defendant, as well as a ¾ empty bottle of Vodka in the passenger’s seat. The defendant was unable to complete the field sobriety test due to the level of intoxication. The defendant was arrested for DUI, and the defendant’s refusal to submit a breath sample made the defendant’s license immediately suspended for at least 12 months.
Case: 8106-XEM
At 9:20 pm, an officer was dispatched to a McDonald’s drive thru where the defendant had fallen asleep and was slumped over the wheel, while in line. The officer detected the strong odor of alcohol, and the defendant’s bloodshot, watery eyes. The defendant also had a slurred speech from intoxication. The defendant was then unable to complete the field sobriety test, and was arrested for DUI. Due to the defendant’s refusal to submit a breath sample by the breathalyzer, the defendant’s license was immediately suspended for a minimum of 12 months.
Case: 7551-XEQ
At 1:40 am, an officer was dispatched to the site of an accident that occurred, where the defendant had crashed into 2 different cars, and then fled the scene on foot. Once the officer caught up to the defendant, the officer noticed the defendant’s flushed face, bloodshot, watery eyes, and that the defendant’s pants were completely soiled. Due to the defendant’s intoxication, the defendant was unable to meet the standards of the field sobriety test, and was arrested for DUI. The defendant’s license was to be immediately suspended for the next 12 months, due to the defendant’s refusal to submit a breath sample.
Case: 8298-XEQ
At 9:15 am, officers were dispatched to the ramp of a highway, because the defendant had fallen asleep behind the wheel and holding up traffic. Due to the defendant’s extreme intoxication, it took the officers multiple attempts to wake up the defendant. Upon visualization of the defendant, the officers noticed bloodshot eyes, a red face, and an odor of alcohol coming from the defendant. The defendant also spoke in a mumbled voice and was very slow to respond to questions. After administering the roadside sobriety test, the defendant was arrested for DUI, due to inability to meet standards. The defendant’s refusal to submit a breath sample, made it mandatory for the suspension of the defendant’s license for 12 months.
Case: A0Z0T0P
At 6:06 am, an anonymous caller alerted the officer to the defendant’s location, in which the defendant was asleep behind the wheel. The officer then woke up the defendant and had bloodshot, watery eyes, and an odor of alcohol emitting from the defendant’s mouth. The defendant also spoke in a slurred speech, and was unable to perform the sobriety test to standard due loss of balance. The defendant was arrested for DUI, and blew .276/.261 level on the breathalyzer. The defendant’s license was to be suspended for a minimum of 6 months.
Case: 6851-XEX
At 5:04 am, officers were dispatched to a hit and run accident that occurred. The defendant had crashed into another car, and the victim was extremely injured, the victim was transported to the nearest hospital. The defendant caused over $20,000 in property damage, and fled the scene on foot. Due to the level of intoxication suffered by the defendant, officers caught up with the defendant quickly, and noticed the bloodshot, watery eyes and stench of alcohol coming from the defendant. The defendant’s flushed face, and loss of balance had the defendant fail the sobriety test administered, and was arrested for DUI. The defendant blew a .168/.173 on the breathalyzer and the defendant’s license was to be suspended for 6 months.
Case: 0399-XFE
At 8:10 pm, officers were dispatched to a crash accident that had occurred, where the defendant had struck the victim on a scooter, and injured them. Upon closer inspection of the defendant, officers noticed the odor of alcohol coming from the facial area of the defendant, as well as bloodshot, watery eyes. The defendant also had a slurred speech, and a flushed face. During the field sobriety test, the defendant continued to stumble, and was unable to pass the test. The defendant was arrested for DUI, and due to the defendant’s refusal to submit a breath sample, the defendant’s license was to be suspended for a minimum of 12 months.
Case: 8371-XEQ
At 2:28 am, the defendant was involved in a crash accident and tried to flee the scene, but officers later caught up to the defendant sleeping behind the wheel. The defendant’s crash resulted in over $1,000 in property damage. The defendant had bloodshot, watery eyes, and a flushed face, which led the officers to believe the defendant was intoxicated. After attempting and failing the DUI sobriety test, the defendant was arrested for DUI, and blew .182/.177 in the breathalyzer. The defendants license was immediately suspended for a period at least of 6 months.
Case: 4111-XEX
At 3:45 am, officers observed the defendant drifting from side to side and fail to stop at 4 different stop signs. Once the officers made the traffic stop, the defendant offered the officers $14,000 to look the other way. The defendant was also too intoxicated to pass the field sobriety test, and once the officers saw the defendant’s bloodshot, watery eyes and slurred speech, they arrested the defendant for DUI. The defendant blew .197/.201 on the breathalyzer, and due to the defendant’s license being suspended previously to the arrest, the defendant’s license was to be suspended for at least 12 to 18 months.
Case: 9673-XBQ
At 12:55 am, officers viewed the defendant’s vehicle on the side of the road, with the defendant asleep inside. Once woken up, the defendant had bloodshot, watery eyes, a strong odor of alcohol. The defendant also spoke in a slurred, mumbled speech, to which the defendant had a hard time answering questions. During the field sobriety test, the defendant was unbalanced and disoriented throughout. The defendant was then arrested for DUI, and due to the defendant’s refusal to submit a breath sample, the defendant’s license was to be suspended for at least 12 months.
Case: 6755-XEQ
At 4:02 am, officers were dispatched to a crash accident that occurred when the defendant hit another vehicle, causing the victim serious injury. Once the officers questioned the defendant, they noticed a strong odor of alcohol emitting from the defendant’s mouth. The defendant also admitted to having drunk a 6 pack of beer, and then was then instructed to do the field sobriety test, and failed due to the defendant’s inability to maintain balance. The defendant was then arrested for DUI, and refused to provide a breath sample. Due to this refusal, the defendant’s license was to be suspended for a minimum of 12 months.
Case: A0Z0QVP
At 4:20 am, officers observed the defendant driving the wrong way up the down ramp. Once the officers executed the traffic stop, they noticed the defendant had bloodshot, watery eyes and a slurred speech. The defendant was also very uncooperative and insulting to the officers. The officers also noticed the strong odor of alcohol coming from the defendant’s vehicle. Once the defendant stepped out of the car, the defendant was unable to stand due to the high level of impairment. The defendant refused to do the field sobriety test and blow into the breathalyzer and was thus arrested for DUI. The defendant’s license was to be suspended for 12 months.
Case: 1718-XEU
At 10:45 pm, an officer observed the defendant going an unlawful speed of 55 mph in a 35 mph zone. The officer executed a traffic stop to which the officer noticed the defendant had bloodshot, watery eyes, and a slurred speech and alcohol emitting from the defendant’s mouth. The defendant then was asked to complete the sobriety test, to which the defendant failed, and was arrested for DUI. The defendant blew .228/.218 level in the breathalyzer, and due to the fact that the defendant already had a previous DUI, the defendant’s license was to be suspended for no less than 12 months.
Case: A0LK-2WE
At 12:31 am, officers spotted the defendant in a DUI checkpoint where thy made the observation that the defendant had bloodshot, watery eyes, and slurred speech. From these observations, they concluded that the defendant was intoxicated and had the defendant perform the field sobriety test. The defendant was unable to pass any aspect of the test, and placed under arrest for DUI. The defendant refused to submit a breath sample, and the defendant’s license was to be suspended for a minimum of 12 months.
Case: 7464-XEM
At 2 am, police stopped the defendant. Upon observation, officers were able to see the defendant’s eyes were bloodshot and watery. There was also a powerful smell of alcohol on the defendant’s breath. After admitting to having had a various amounts of alcohol, the defendant complied with taking the field sobriety test. After failing due to loss of balance, the defendant was arrested for DUI. The defendant also refused to submit a breath sample, so the defendant’s license was to be suspended immediately for the next 12 months.
Case: 7895-XEM
At 5 am, an officer observed the defendant running a stop sign, and was driving with 2 flat tires. Once the officer approached the defendant, the officer saw the defendant had glossy, watery, bloodshot eyes. The defendant also had a strong odor of alcohol emitting from the facial area, as well as slurred speech. Once the officer believed the defendant was impaired by alcohol, the officer instructed the roadside sobriety test, to which the defendant consented, and failed due to the defendant’s inability to maintain balance. The defendant was placed under arrest for the defendant’s second DUI, and blew .224/.235 in the breathalyzer. Due to the defendant’s prior DUI, the defendant’s license was to be suspended for a minimum of 12 months.
Case: 4728-XEV
At 3:34 am, an officer observed the defendant going at a high speed of 72 mph. The defendant’s car was also drifting from left to right, taking up both lanes. After several attempts to have the defendant pull over, the police officer approached the defendant and noticed that defendant’s bloodshot, watery eyes. After questioning the defendant, the officer noticed the strong odor of alcohol emitting from the defendant’s mouth, and the defendant’s inability to respond quickly to the officer. The defendant then began to urinate, without realizing, due to the extreme level of impairment the defendant suffered. After the defendant admitted to having 4 beers, the defendant consented to the field sobriety test, and was unable to pass. The defendant was arrested for DUI, and blew a level of .170 in the breathalyzer. The minimum suspension of the defendant’s license was 6 months.
Case: 5864-XEQ
At 10:25 pm, an officer observed the defendant going below the speed limit, and not using any turn signals when turning. The defendant was driving carelessly and then crashed into another car resulting in over $1,000 in damages. Upon inspection of the defendant, the officer noticed bloodshot, watery eyes, and a strong odor of alcohol coming from the defendant. The defendant also had a suspended license prior to the encounter. Once the officer administered the field sobriety test to check the defendant’s impairment, the defendant was unable to complete the test. The defendant blew a .178/.179 level and was arrested for DUI, and the defendant’s license was immediately suspended for a minimum of 12 months.
Case: 7864-XEM
At 2:42 am, an officer was dispatched to the defendant’s location due to the defendant driving the wrong way. Upon a closer look at the defendant, the officer noticed the defendant had a flushed face, bloodshot eyes, and a slurred speech. The officer also detected an amount of alcohol emitting form the defendant’s breath. The defendant then performed the field sobriety tests and failed, to which the defendant was then arrested for DUI. The defendant refused to give a breath sample, and the defendant’s license was to be suspended for the next 12 months.
Case: 9921-XFG
At 6:45 am, officers responded to a possible intoxicated driver, where they met the defendant. Upon closer inspection, officers were able to see the defendant had bloodshot, watery eyes, and a strong odor emitting from the facial area. The defendant also spoke in a slurred, mumbled voice. The officer conducted the field sobriety test, to which the defendant failed to meet the 5 standards, and was arrested for DUI. The defendant refused to submit a breath sample, and thus the defendant’s license was to be suspended immediately for a minimum of 12 months.

Restore Your License Through An Administrative Hearing
The 10-day rule is a very tight time frame in which to take action. It is imperative that you retain our services immediately after your arrest so the matters related to your driver’s license are addressed by a professional with a long record of success at DMV hearings.
If you are able to convince the administrative judge that your arrest and/or charges were unlawful, invalid or contestable, your license could be returned to you until the final outcome of your DUI charge is decided. Beckham Solis, Attorneys at Law, Attorneys at Law, has represented countless DUI clients throughout Miami-Dade County and can help you restore your license.
Administrative hearings can be complex, involving nuanced arguments and detailed evidence. Our attorneys prepare meticulously, examining every piece of evidence related to your arrest, including police reports, test results, and witness statements. By understanding the administrative process, we aim to challenge any procedural errors or rights violations that occurred during your arrest. Collaborating with our firm means gaining access to extensive resources and insights crucial for a successful defense. We strive to mitigate any long-term impacts on your livelihood by focusing on an informed and assertive defense strategy.
Why Hire a Miami Drug Trafficking Lawyer
Choosing a local attorney for drug trafficking charges in Miami offers several distinct advantages. A local attorney is familiar with the regional legal landscape, including the practices and tendencies of local prosecutors and judges, which can significantly influence the outcome of your defense strategy. Moreover, their established connections and credibility within the Miami-Dade judiciary system can be beneficial in negotiating plea bargains or seeking alternative sentencing options.
At Beckham Solis, Attorneys at Law, our team not only knows the ins and outs of Miami's legal system but also shares a deep commitment to serving our community. This commitment is reflected in the personalized approach we take with each client, ensuring that everyone receives the attention and dedication their situation demands. By leveraging our local knowledge and extensive experience, we aim to offer the most comprehensive and effective defense for those facing serious drug trafficking allegations.
Your Freedom Cannot Wait; Call Today
We have more than 35-plus years of combined legal experience and hundreds of victories for a range of DUI proceedings. We are rated AV Preeminent* by Martindale-Hubbell, the most respected attorney rating service.
Our team understands that timing is critical in DUI cases. Acting quickly not only preserves your ability to contest the suspension but also strengthens your defense in subsequent court proceedings. Early action enables us to gather time-sensitive evidence and witness testimonies that might otherwise be lost. Our proactive approach ensures you're fully supported throughout the legal process, providing guidance and defense strategies that align with your personal circumstances.
FAQs on Miami Drug Trafficking Defense
What Should I Do If I Am Arrested for Drug Trafficking in Miami?
If you are arrested for drug trafficking in Miami, it is crucial to remain calm and exercise your right to remain silent until you have legal representation. Contacting a seasoned drug trafficking attorney Miami immediately can make all the difference. At Beckham Solis, Attorneys at Law, we focus on moving quickly to protect your rights. Cooperate with law enforcement but refrain from providing any information or making statements until your attorney is present. Collect any potential evidence related to your arrest, involve witnesses if possible, and write down all details about the incident as soon as your situation allows.
Having a knowledgeable drug trafficking defense lawyer by your side ensures that your rights are protected and that all legal strategies are considered to advocate on your behalf. Our legal team will seek to uncover any discrepancies or procedural errors made during your arrest and aim for a favorable resolution.
What Are the Potential Penalties for Drug Trafficking in Miami?
The potential penalties for drug trafficking in Miami are severe and depend on several factors, including the type and quantity of the drug involved. Florida imposes mandatory minimum sentences for drug trafficking, which can range from three years up to life imprisonment in addition to significant fines. Furthermore, individuals convicted of drug trafficking face collateral consequences such as the loss of civil rights, difficulties in finding employment, and potential deportation for non-citizens.
It is essential to understand the full scope of these penalties and how they might be mitigated. Working with experienced legal counsel, like a drug trafficking lawyer Miami, familiar with both state and federal drug laws is critical. At Beckham Solis, Attorneys at Law, we vigorously defend our clients against such charges, seeking avenues to reduce sentences or explore rehabilitative alternatives, where applicable.
hear how we made a difference
The staff at Beckham Solis did an amazing job handling my case. They went above and beyond with closing everything in a timely manner. They were very reasonable with pricing and very flexible with payment. Barbara was very helpful answering any questions or concerns that I had. I highly recommend these law professionals to handle any legal matters you may need resolved.
- Joel D. -
Few years back I ran into some legal trouble and was recommended to Beckham Solis by a friend. I had never had to deal with any of this so, it was quite terrifying, to be honest. I walked into his office a nervous wreck, walked out confident and taken care of. Great service. Answers all calls whenever you need help and advice; they made a difficult situation better. I greatly recommend this firm the best !- Carlens E.
Beckham Solis, Attorneys at Law, has always been available to answer all my questions. They offer a great response rate, amazing customer service, and a team that genuinely cares about its clients. Thank you, everyone, for everything!- Fabrizio Q.
Service has been top-notch since February. Beckham Solis, Attorneys at Law, are professional, attentive, efficient, experienced, and qualified. My case was quickly resolved, and I'm very thankful. Extremely happy with the outcome and highly recommend this firm.- Carolina G.
I worked with Beckham Solis, Attorneys at Law, for two years. Their experience, expertise, and support helped me make the best decision to save my life. I was facing serious time, but it was all adjudicated. They got me out of the worst time of my life. Th- J.D.
I'm so happy I found these lawyers on the Internet. I was very nervous and scared when I walked into the office, thinking a bad outcome could change my life drastically. They were able to get my case dismissed! I highly recommend Beckham Solis, Attorneys a- Leonel D.
I highly recommended Beckham & Solis, for a top notch professional & straight forward criminal defense representation. They are fast, on point & available at anytime. Thanks to their experience and hands on attitude my case was dismissed. It is a total life changer. Thanks so much to the whole team you are the Best!
- Luis C. -
Top notch attorneys and staff that are fully committed to walking you through every step of the legal process. I would recommend this legal powerhouse to anyone who is seriously looking to challenge their case and expecting a positive outcome. Thank you for everything Beckham and Solis!!
- Steve B.
Current Trends in Miami Drug Trafficking Enforcement
Miami's role as a major port of entry for international trade also underscores its position as a significant battleground in the fight against drug trafficking. Local and federal law enforcement agencies continue to implement intensive monitoring and security measures, focusing on major highways, airports, and seaports to curb illegal activities. Recently, there has been an increased emphasis on dismantling organized crime networks responsible for drug distribution. This has led to several high-profile arrests and significant seizures.
Moreover, new technologies and analytics are aiding law enforcement in tracking and combating drug trafficking more efficiently. This intense scrutiny makes it more important than ever to have an informed drug trafficking attorney Miami on your side if faced with drug trafficking charges.
At Beckham Solis, Attorneys at Law, we remain vigilant of these evolving trends to better protect and fight for the rights of those we represent. Call (786) 244-8010 today to get started!
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